Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ok, so here is a quick update on my stupid foot.

The cortisone shot worked as far as taking the pain away. Which is fantastic!! However, I still have the numbing tingles going on all over my foot and within seconds/minutes it starts going up my leg. As soon as I step on my foot, it starts tingling and going numb. Weird. It's strange that a pinched nerve, supposedly that is what it is, would cause the pain and the numbness, then have the pain go away, but leave the numbness... You would think it goes hand in hand.

So, I asked my Chiropractor if there was anything I could do about that, if there were any adjustments that could be done. He said there were, but with the inflammation, he wouldn't dare do it. I asked him what he thought about my situation. He looked at my leg and then my other leg side by side. Upon examination, you could see a color difference between the two. My left leg, the good one, was a nice rosy color, where as my right, the bad one, was pale. It was also slightly larger (swollen) and when you press your finger on my leg, it would hold the print indent for a few seconds. Not a good sign. Robb thinks that I have a circulation problem and need to see yet another Dr... GREAT!

So, I called my Uncle Larry and told him what is going on. There could me a blood clot, Tarsel Tunnel, or something else,who knows. He will do an ultrasound on it and wants to look at the x-rays, so I will need to get those from the Podiatrist because I am not going to pay for another one!

I have my appointment set up for tomorrow at 2:00 pm, so I will keep you all updated.