Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oops, I did it again!!

THIS REALLY SUCKS!!!! I changed the layout on my blog and once again and it erased my links, etc. Now, when I go to the dashboard, the 'layout' link is no longer there and so I can't change anything, or even add my friends links again. WHAT THE CRAP!! Can anyone help me?! If anyone knows how to put the layout link back, I would appreciate help, because I really don't know what the heck I am doing... the help section doesn't help at all either. So, I may have another blog started up soon if I can't figure this out....


The Knouse's said...

I prefer getting my layouts from a website called It is the only website I've found that doesn't erase everything on the right side of the screen when you post it. I'm no expert though! Hope this helps...

Sheree said...

Thanks to my awesome husband, he FIXED IT!!! yay!!!