Saturday, December 6, 2008

Potty Training!

I am happy to announce that my little Michael is potty trained!! Hip Hip Hooray!! We are still working on pooping in the potty though... For three days now he not worn a diaper (except for night time diapers) He has never asked for one, which I am thankful for! He is so excited about going potty, which means I am so excited!!!! Michael loves putting star stickers up on his potty chart, which is filling up fast!

It all started Thursday Morning, when I asked him if he wanted to wear big boy pants and use the potty. He said yes. I was shocked because I ask him this quite often and he usually says no. So, when he said yes, I was excited. To my surprise, he wore underwear all day. Of course we went through all of them, which happened to be maybe ten or so. He would start to pee in his pants then stop, tell me and then go to the bathroom and finish. The next day, he did better and by the afternoon, he would tell me he needed to go before he even started which is awesome!

Today, he didn't pee in his pants at all! He would even go potty then come tell me... Pooping, is another story, but we are working on it and because I now refuse to put diapers, or pull ups for that matter, he will just have to learn. I will also get the lovely opportunity to clean that out.... yuck!!! Anyway, despite that, I am way excited! I just hope that when we do leave the house he will be just as good! I will be prepared though!



Janet said...

Hooray! That's a big accomplishment! Good luck with leaving the house. That part is a little scary. Way to go, Michael!

Christina said...

Yeah! It is sooo nice when they finally decide to be ready. It took Bridger forever to be ready, but when he decided it was time, he was ready, and we haven't had an accident yet. When you do go out, keep it short, and leave plenty of extra time for multiple potty breaks! And remember, automatic flushing toilets can be scary. YEAH Michael!!