Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Spaghetti Monster

Michael and I had left over spaghetti for lunch. He almost all of it before he got into the 'Cookie Monster' mode and completely finished his plate, which most of it did end up on the floor for the dog to eat. It was so funny! Then, he felt the need to squish his corn then eat it. Funny boy.


Lisa said...

What color was the bath water when you were done?! ;-)

Darren and Traci said...

haha it looks like you painted his face to look like that. He is such a cutie. We have been missing you guys! I just listened to you message. I wish I would have heard it sooner. I need to go to the gym SOOO bad. Next week seriously everyday k. My mom went almost everyday she was here without me and she hasn't worked out in years haha how lame is that that I didn't go with her!?!

Matt & Darla said...

He's a cutie, Sheree!