Sunday, August 31, 2008

Minnetonka Cave

Today, we went to the Minnetonka Cave in Idaho. Click here to see a short video of the cave. It was awesome! Michael loved it and loved to order Daddy to walk (he was sitting in the baby backpack for part of it, until he insisted on walking himself) It definitely was an adventure for him, and us. The temperature inside the cave is an average 40 degrees and there are 444 steps into the cave, then you have to walk back another 444 steps for a total of 888 steps. The formations inside the cave were awesome! They have named a few of the formations the seven dwarfs, miss piggy, bacon, pile of gold (located in the treasure room) and more. We could also see into the devils office and they have a stairway called 'The Stairway to Heaven'. The last room in the cave is called the wedding room. Formations in that room include: the bride, groom (the bride is growing from the bottom, and the groom growing down from the top & when they finally reach eachother in 5,000 years they will be married, so they have a very long engagement) also, there is the organ, and the mother-in-law (also known as the witch) hehe. On the way back through the cave, we could touch one rock, which happened to be slimy and smooth. In early spring there is a small river going through part of the cave (but it wasn't there when we visited today) that runs down somewhere. A while ago, people put dye in the water to see where it went to, but never found it... interesting. On the walk back to the exit, Michael ran off and tripped and fell. He started screaming so loud and being in the cave, it echoed. We were in the back of the line, so everyone was looking back because they thought that maybe he fell down the stairs. I had to tell everyone he was ok and just tripped. Besides that little fall, he was ok and had a blast.


Janet said...

Where in Idaho was this? I grew up in Idaho all my life and have never heard of it! It looks awesome! What a fun trip!

Bryan Schmidt said...

That looks so much fun!

Sheree said...

Minnetonka Cave is just North of Bear Lake, just into the Idaho border, about 45 minutes away.