Sunday, August 24, 2008

Been too long...

It seem's like forever since I have written anything. Currently, I am feeling overwhelmed and trying to do everything at once... I just can't help it. Oh well. Yesterday, I spent the majority of the day cleaning the house and today, you wouldn't think I had done anything... Life of a mother!! It's kind of frustrating knowing that you spend so much time trying to keep your house in order, just to know that when you turn your back, it will be a disaster again. Sometimes I just want to give up!!

To catch up in the last month, after I got home from Lake Powell (my last entry) I got really sick with Sinusitus and was ready to ask my husband to kill me because I was in so much pain. It was miserable and lasted forever! Then, from July 30- Aug 2nd we had our Parent Family reunion. We rented a cabin up in Heber, which was really fun, as you can see from the picture! hehe.

Then, my sister got married on Aug 8th. It was awesome! She made such a beautiful Bride!

I was one of her bridesmaids, and Michael was a ring bearer. He did such a good job! He also looked so adorable in his tux!!

Then a week later, we went to Lake Powell again. This is my third
trip this year!! We had a lot of fun, but were so ready to come home and be home! This time, I did not get sick ya!! Third time is a charm!! :) I feel like I have been gone all summer or have been sick when I have been home. It's good to be home, but now I feel like I am playing catch up with housework and organizing! Fun for me! Oh, yes, and how can I forget?! We are again going out of town next week to Bear Lake, then I am throwing a baby shower for my friend Laura, which I am really excited to do, then going out of town to Lake Tahoe. Holy cow!! This summer has been crazy, and won't really settle down until the end of September. Crazy!!